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Abstract 抽象化

  • Reduce material in an original work to its main points and key supporting details
  • Preview, read, evaluate, organize, outline
  • 提炼原始作品中的关键观点相关的论证细节,即论点和论据
  • 快速浏览,阅读,评估,组织,概述

How to summarize an article? 如何总结?

Step One 第一步 快速浏览

Take a Few minutes to preview the work.

  1. Title
  2. Subtitle
  3. First and last serveral paragraphs


  1. 标题
  2. 子标题
  3. 第一段和最后一段

Step Two 第二步 通读全文

Read the whole artitle. Do not slow down or turn back. Mark main points and key supporting details.


Step Three 第三步 精读

Reread the important areas.


Step Four 第四步

Take notes on the material


Step Five 第五步 准备初稿

Prepare the first draft:

  1. Identify at the beginning the title and the author of the work
  2. Do not write an overly detailed summary
  3. Express the main points and key supporting details in your words
  4. Quote from the material only to illustrat key points
  5. Preserve the balance and proportion of the original work
  6. Revise your first draft, paying attention to the principles of effective writing(unity,support,coherence,clear and error-free)
  7. The final draft


  1. 在开头明确这篇文章的标题和作者
  2. 写一个简短的概述
  3. 用你自己的话,重新描述文章的观点与论据
  4. 仅在需要说明关键要点时才从原文引用
  5. 保持原文的结构比例与平衡性
  6. 修改初稿,注意统一,论证,连续性,观点明确,无差错等有效写作的相关原则
  7. 形成最终草稿

Model Summary 一份样稿

In "How to Heal a Hypochondriac"(Time, September 30, 2003), Michael Lemonick reports on research into ways of dealing with hypochondria, a thinking disorder that makes healthy people believe that they are suffering from one or more serious diseases.

Not only do hypochondriacs genuinely suffer from their disorder, but they create a significant burden on the health-care system.

Research suggests that hypochondriacs fall into three categories: those who have a variant of obsessive-compulsive disorder, those whose hypochondria was triggered by a stressful life event, and those who are hypersensitive to any physical symptoms.

Cognitive therapy, in which patients are trained to any direct their attention away from their symptoms, and antidepressant medication both seem helpful in treating hypochondria.
The most difficult part of treatment is suggesting that a patient suffers from hypochondria without angering or embarrassing him or her.


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本文作者:Quanyin Tang

本文链接:如何总结提炼一篇文章 - https://www.imtqy.com/how-to-summarize-an-article.html

版权声明:如无特别声明,本文即为原创文章,仅代表个人观点,版权归 Quanyin 所有,未经允许禁止转载,经授权转载请注明出处!